Gathering Firewood

Just before Christmas and before the snow came, Johnny cut up a fallen tree in the woods. We all went out to bring the logs back to the house to be chopped up for firewood.

We really enjoyed working together to bring the wood to the house and the work required to keep our fire going over the winter is completely worth it. There are few things nicer than a warm fire on a cold winter's day or night.

We all enjoy the fire tremendously.

And it comes in handy when guests pop by too :)

Enjoy your weekend!

♥ Andrea ♥

Sasquatch Cube by Jennie Suddick

I received a special gift for Christmas from Johnny, a tiny cube by artist, Jennie Suddick. Inside my tiny cube lies a lady Sasquatch in a little lush landscape.

Here is Jennie Suddick's website. She does some pretty interesting work. Of course, being a Sasquatch maker myself, I'm partial to her Sasquatch scenes (especially the Sasquatches erecting Stonehenge) but Jennie does quite a lot of different types of work and I like it all. Her work makes me think about the power of the natural and the magical world(s) and the greatness of small things.

My wee cube is pretty great! I'm so glad Jennie made it and that Johnny had the good sense to buy it for me. He's such a keeper, that guy :) It now has a prominent place on my desk.

♥ Andrea ♥