I finally completed the latest items that I've been working so hard on these past couple of weeks and got them listed in the shop. I wanted to do something special to honour honey bees and raise money for my friends' amazing nonprofit organization, HoneyLove. So, I created a couple of adorable bee themed items. 20% of sales of the Baby Bee Buddy Plush Rattle and the Baby Bee Mobile will be donated to HoneyLove to support their mission to protect the honeybees and inspire and educate new urban beekeepers. If you would like to know more about HoneyLove, please pop over to the HoneyLove website and read more about their great work.

I'm so in love with these little bees and I adored creating this mobile. Making mobiles has been on my list of things to make for the shop since I started Teetoo but I just never got around to doing it. Now my head is swimming with ideas. I've purchased a whole bunch of supplies and have begun work on some other designs as well. If you have something in mind that you would like for a baby mobile, send me an e-mail. I would love to create a custom mobile for you.
♥ Andrea ♥
These are so cute :) I am curious to see what you'll be making next!!!