Here is a project that I completed just before Christmas. And when I say just before Christmas, I mean that I was working on him right up until the final moment that I could possibly ship him out on time for the big day. This robot almost totally kicked my butt! And while I'm really happy with how he turned out in the end, I must admit that I came very close to giving up. Usually, I'm not the giving up sort but the hours I put into this guy kept piling up. And I'm pretty sure there aren't more than a couple of pieces of him that I didn't have to do at least twice because I kept making mistakes! There were many more details that I would have liked to have included but I had to be coaxed off of the obsessive train by my mother-in-law just to get him done. In the end, I love him! His head and neck turn all the way around and his arms move. I learned so much about what is possible in the world of doll-making with this project. While I can't make these for sale in the shop, I'm sure that I will cook up something new with all of the knowledge I have gained from making him. The little girl who received Wall-E this year has an Eve plush that I made for her a while back. I'm eager to hear how the reunion went.
We've been visiting with family and maxin' and relaxin' as much as possible these days. I almost don't know how to do it. I sat and watched the entire Dr. Who Christmas special without working on something while I watched and even caught as episode of Through the Wormhole (a recent favorite) without cutting a piece of fabric or sewing a stitch. Getting snow for Christmas was perfect and the holidays have shaped up to be fantastic. I have finally caught up on all the sleep I've been missing :)
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas or whatever holiday you are celebrating and are continuing to have a great holiday!
♥ Andrea ♥
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